Smoked Roasbeef

Smoked Roasbeef

The eye of round is a lean, flavorful cut from the round primal of the cow, located on the hind leg. It’s known for its uniform shape and fine grain, making it ideal for roasting and slicing thinly for cold cuts. Roasting the eye of round at a low temperature ensures it remains tender and juicy. After roasting, it is typically cooled, then thinly sliced for use in sandwiches and platters.

Prep Time30 minsCook Time2 hrsTotal Time2 hrs 30 mins
AuthorPeterYields8 ServingsCategory, ,


 1 kg eye of round(clean, even cut)
 1 tsp salt
 1 tsp msg
 1 tsp black pepper(freshly ground)
 1 tsp garlic powder
 1 tsp onion powder
 ½ tsp sweet paprika
 ½ tsp juniper power
Smoked Roasbeef



It's also recommend to salt the meat before smoking and refrigerate uncovered for at least 1h and up to 24h.

  • Tie the meat with butchers twine so it holds it’s shape.
  • Mix well all seasoning ingredients.
  • Coat the meat evenly from all sides.
  • Insert probe in to thickest part of the round.


  • Place your turkey on the cold side with Meater inside.
  • Preheat grill till at least 220F is registered in the dome.
  • You can change length of your cook, by adjusting temperature, to modulate smokiness.
  • Don’t go over 250F in the grill otherwise meat can turn bit dry.
  • Smoke undisturbed, till 125F internal temperature, target 130F carryover.


  • Remove meat from grill and let it cool slowly, ideally half covered.
  • You can eat it still warm or store it in fridge and slice once chilled.
  • Serve with dinner rolls and chimichurri sauce or vinaigrette sauce.


 1 kg eye of round(clean, even cut)
 1 tsp salt
 1 tsp msg
 1 tsp black pepper(freshly ground)
 1 tsp garlic powder
 1 tsp onion powder
 ½ tsp sweet paprika
 ½ tsp juniper power



It's also recommend to salt the meat before smoking and refrigerate uncovered for at least 1h and up to 24h.

  • Tie the meat with butchers twine so it holds it’s shape.
  • Mix well all seasoning ingredients.
  • Coat the meat evenly from all sides.
  • Insert probe in to thickest part of the round.


  • Place your turkey on the cold side with Meater inside.
  • Preheat grill till at least 220F is registered in the dome.
  • You can change length of your cook, by adjusting temperature, to modulate smokiness.
  • Don’t go over 250F in the grill otherwise meat can turn bit dry.
  • Smoke undisturbed, till 125F internal temperature, target 130F carryover.


  • Remove meat from grill and let it cool slowly, ideally half covered.
  • You can eat it still warm or store it in fridge and slice once chilled.
  • Serve with dinner rolls and chimichurri sauce or vinaigrette sauce.

Smoked Roasbeef

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