How to make scrambled eggs? It's not so easy as it seems if you want to do it legit. This recipe will guide you through the procedure, following original french culinary technique for Oeufs Brouillés. Most important is to be gentle during cook and make sure you don't overcook your eggs. Result needs to be creamy yet firm.
Prep Time10 mins Cook Time10 mins Total Time20 mins
2 Servings YieldsCategoryOthers
2 Eggs
1 tbsp Oil
2 tbsp Double Cream
25 g Butter
- Season eggs with salt & pepper.
- Beat the eggs lightly without turning them foamy.
- Melt half of the butter with oil in pan.
- Pour the beaten egg in and reduce the heat.
- Cook over low heat continuously stirring.
- Continue to cook till eggs are half way cooked.
- Add remaining butter and double cream.
- Mix well to incorporate added ingredients.
You can garnish scrambled eggs with grated cheese, parsley or balsamic vinegar glaze. Serve as soon as possible.

2 Eggs
1 tbsp Oil
2 tbsp Double Cream
25 g Butter
- Season eggs with salt & pepper.
- Beat the eggs lightly without turning them foamy.
- Melt half of the butter with oil in pan.
- Pour the beaten egg in and reduce the heat.
- Cook over low heat continuously stirring.
- Continue to cook till eggs are half way cooked.
- Add remaining butter and double cream.
- Mix well to incorporate added ingredients.
You can garnish scrambled eggs with grated cheese, parsley or balsamic vinegar glaze. Serve as soon as possible.