Pizza al taglio, Italian for pizza by the slice, literal translation "by the cut" is a variety of pizza baked in large rectangular trays, and generally sold in rectangular or square slices by weight. This type of pizza was invented in 1950s in Rome, Italy, and is common throughout Italy. Many variations and styles of pizza al taglio exist, this recipe was actually invented by home cooks. Most notable aspect of this recipe is double baking. First bake is only with tomato sauce, low wight on top ensures that pizza can nicely raise across whole surface. Second bake heats pizza through and deliver some extra crunchiness.
Dough has to proof for at least 12 and up to 24 hours

Standard dough program takes 1h and 50min, program is proofing approx 1+ hour in warm environment.
- Add yeast into lukewarm water in the home-bakery tray.
- Incorporate all dry ingredients and at the end drizzle with olive oil.
- Run your bakery on standard dough program.
- After dough is proofed, transfer to working surface, make several folds.
- Transfer dough in to air tight box and drizzle with olive oil.
- Refrigerate overnight for minimum 12 hours and up to 22 hours.
- Prepare shallow tray, lay with baking paper, lightly cover with olive oil.
- Remove dough from refrigerator, place to baking tray and make again several folds to encapsulate air.
- Cover with large bowl. I’m using large rectangular shallow glass baking tray.
- This allows dough to spread naturally and leak on the sides while preventing dough to dry.
- Keep proofing covered for at least 2 hours.
My oven is set on pizza setting: bottom heat + fan.
- 30 minutes before time is up, place pizza stone in to the oven and preheat oven to 230C.
- Make sure that your oven setup will allow you to place baking tray directly to the stone.
- It’s also good time to prepare your sauce, mix all ingredients in to small stovetop pot.
- Keep cooking on low for 30 minutes to evaporate water stirring occasionally.
It might be hard to stretch dough on paper, if you don't want to use paper, just oil the tray throughly.
- After two hours, dough should be relaxed and and easily spreadable to sides of your tray.
- Once your dough covers whole tray, spread tomato sauce on dough.
- Bake for approximately for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown from top.
- Remove from heat and from tray immediately and cool down on rack.
- After pizza cools down cut it with scissors in to appropriate squares.
- You can store in the air tight containers in fridge or continue with next step.
- Place the stone in the oven so that it is as close to the top of the oven as possible, but still fits the pizza.
- Preheat the oven to 230C with only the top broiler heat and fan.
- Coming either from fridge or cooled down after baking, apply any topping of your liking.
- Place the pizza directly on the preheated stone and bake for approximately 5 minutes. Serve immediately.
Standard dough program takes 1h and 50min, program is proofing approx 1+ hour in warm environment.
- Add yeast into lukewarm water in the home-bakery tray.
- Incorporate all dry ingredients and at the end drizzle with olive oil.
- Run your bakery on standard dough program.
- After dough is proofed, transfer to working surface, make several folds.
- Transfer dough in to air tight box and drizzle with olive oil.
- Refrigerate overnight for minimum 12 hours and up to 22 hours.
- Prepare shallow tray, lay with baking paper, lightly cover with olive oil.
- Remove dough from refrigerator, place to baking tray and make again several folds to encapsulate air.
- Cover with large bowl. I’m using large rectangular shallow glass baking tray.
- This allows dough to spread naturally and leak on the sides while preventing dough to dry.
- Keep proofing covered for at least 2 hours.
My oven is set on pizza setting: bottom heat + fan.
- 30 minutes before time is up, place pizza stone in to the oven and preheat oven to 230C.
- Make sure that your oven setup will allow you to place baking tray directly to the stone.
- It’s also good time to prepare your sauce, mix all ingredients in to small stovetop pot.
- Keep cooking on low for 30 minutes to evaporate water stirring occasionally.
It might be hard to stretch dough on paper, if you don't want to use paper, just oil the tray throughly.
- After two hours, dough should be relaxed and and easily spreadable to sides of your tray.
- Once your dough covers whole tray, spread tomato sauce on dough.
- Bake for approximately for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown from top.
- Remove from heat and from tray immediately and cool down on rack.
- After pizza cools down cut it with scissors in to appropriate squares.
- You can store in the air tight containers in fridge or continue with next step.
- Place the stone in the oven so that it is as close to the top of the oven as possible, but still fits the pizza.
- Preheat the oven to 230C with only the top broiler heat and fan.
- Coming either from fridge or cooled down after baking, apply any topping of your liking.
- Place the pizza directly on the preheated stone and bake for approximately 5 minutes. Serve immediately.