Slovak Potato Dumplings

Slovak potato dumplings, also known as halušky, are a traditional dish in Slovakia. The history of halušky can be traced back to the medieval period when potatoes were introduced to Europe. Dumplings made from potatoes and flour were a common food for rural populations and were often served as a hearty and filling meal. In Slovakia, halušky became especially popular in the 19th century and have since become a staple dish in Slovak cuisine. They are typically served with a variety of toppings such as fried bacon, sheep cheese, and sour cream. Halušky are also a popular dish for special occasions and celebrations, and are often served at family gatherings, holidays, and festivals.

 4 l Water
 2 tsp Salt
 500 g Potatoes(cleaned and squared)
 220 g All-purpose flour
 1 tsp Salt
 150 g Sour cream
 150 g Sheep cheese(bryndza)
 100 g Cubed Bacon


  • Cube the bacon and crisp it up low and slow on the pan.
  • Prepare at least 4 liters of water and bring it to boil, once boiling add salt.
  • While your water heating and bacon is cooking proceed to next steps.


  • Load cleaned and squared potatoes in to food processor, with blade inside bowl.
  • Top up with flour and salt and mix till doughy, glue like consistency.
  • In separate bowl mix your cheese and cream together and set aside.


  • Place dumpling sift under your pot with boiling water.
  • Load your dough and proceed to run with your spatula in one direction to to cut down the dumpling like shape.
  • Cook dumplings for at least 3 minutes, then either strain the water or pull them out by hand sift.


  • Add hot dumplings in to prepared cheese mixture and mix well.
  • Serve immediately sprinkled with crispy bacon and some of fat and parsley for garnish.