Chimichurri “Sauce”

Chimichurri is one of those mysterious recipes where we actually have no clue how and by whom it was created. In the books that chronicle the food of Latin America written before 1991 chimichurri does not appear, except in the recipe booklet that accompanied the hardcover in the Time-Life "Foods of the World" series. The sauce seems to have come into prominence after the wave of grilling books appeared on the scene. Seems like the origins are from scilly but it't truly a speculation.

 1 handfull fresh Parsley
 1 handfull fresh Oregano
 2 cloves Garlic minced
 1 small Onion(red or shallot)
 2 tbsp Vinegar of your choice(originally red vine vinegar)
 4 tbsp Olive Oil
 1 pinch salt & pepper


Chop all in to small dices and mix together.
Do not use food processor or you will loose texture.